Efficiently clear material deposits

  • Reactivate your existing silo capacities
  • Clear deposits in pipes
  • Prevent the occurrence of channels in silos

Systematic perfect aim

Wherever bulk solids are manufactured, processed or stored, bunkers and silos are the starting points for automated operations.

At normal temperature range

Flow problems resulting from bridging and channel formation have a considerable effect on the efficiency of your plant. SHOCK-BLOWER®s are used in transfer hoppers and chutes, dust pipes, filters, mills, sifting machines and more.

How it works

The best clearing results are obtained if the air blasts are targeted directly at the area between the material buildup and walls, using appropriate air blasting systems.

Because the explosion-like air blasts are targeted specifically in the area between the bulk solids and the wall using special expansion guide nozzles, the bulk solids are ‘husked’ by the wall and moved in the direction of the outlet.

Personal consultation on
+49 (0) 6707 9140 46

Wherever bulk solids are manufactured, processed or stored, bunkers and silos are the starting points for automated operations.

Flow problems resulting from bridging and channel formation have a considerable effect on the efficiency of your plant.


Channel formation

We would be pleased to help you select the product that best meets your needs.

Examples of use

  • Bunkers, silos and tanks made from concrete, steel, aluminium or plastic (also flat-bottomed round and square tanks)
  • Star-shaped bunkers and rows of bunkers
  • Stockpiles
  • Transfer funnels and chutes
  • Filter systems and pipelines
  • Spray towers
  • Cyclones
Because air blasts can be programmed to occur at the frequency that you specify, active flow zones are formed, meaning that even very cohesive bulk solids can be made to flow freely. SHOCK-BLOWER®s are used in ‘critical zones’, where deposits of matter and material buildups can form.

The size and number of SHOCK-BLOWER®s and air blast systems to be used depends upon:


  • The bulk solids’ properties
  • Local conditions
  • The type and shape of the deposits

We would be pleased to help you select the product that best meets your needs.

Expansion guide nozzles for the normal temperature range

AGRICHEMA’s versatile expansion guide nozzles guarantee individual solutions for the error-free operation of bulk solids systems.


Tangential’ expansion guide nozzles for round silos.


Hidden’ 90° expansion guide nozzle with air blast unit for concrete silos.


Download the current brochure for the SHOCK-BLOWER® system here.

Your expert contact people for


Fabio Fregapane

Fabio Fregapane
+49 (0) 6707 9140 46

Heidi Reimer

Heidi Reimer
+49 (0) 6707 9140 14

Sara Esser

Sara Esser
+49 (0) 6707 9140 52

Service without compromise

AGRICHEMA regards itself as a complete service provider when it comes to bulk solids.

Our priorities are reliability and safety.

Do you have questions or need support for your bulk solids plant?

Place inquiry
You’ll reach us by phone or fax, as well as via our electronical inquiry.

Our contact persons will help you with words and deeds. Please call us or send your inquiry.

T: +49 (0) 6707 91 40 0

F: +49 (0) 6707 91 40 11

Enabling us to handle your inquiry as soon as possible, we kindly ask you to fill in the attached questionnaire. Upon receipt we will contact you right away. The marked areas are mandatory.

Electronic inquiry to AGRICHEMA

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